Congratulations to Ford for being accepted into graduate school in the Translational Neuroscience Program at Wayne State University.
Congratulations on a new lab publication in BioRxiv.
Congratulations to Santiago Haase, Kaushik Banerjee, Brandon McClellan, Ziwen Zhu, Yingxiang Li, Marta Edwards, Pedro Lowenstein and Maria G. Castro for their publication “H3.3-G34R Mutation-Mediated Epigenetic Reprograming Leads to Enhanced Efficacy of Immune Stimulatory Gene Therapy in Pediatric High-Grade Gliomas” in BioRxiv.
Congratulations Dr. Maria G. Castro
Dr. Maria G. Castro for her publication being accepted in BioRxiv. “Interplay between ATRX and IDH1 mutations governs innate immune responses in diffuse gliomas.”
Dr. Maria G. Castro keynote speaker
Dr. Castro will be a keynote speaker at the British Neuro-Oncology Society Annual Meeting July 5th-July 7th, 2023, in Manchester. Dr. Castro will be speaking on “Epigenetic reprogramming of the tumor microenvironment leads to enhanced DNA damage response and inhibition of immunosuppressive mechanisms in mutant IDH1 gliomas: clinical implications”. To register for conference, please click here.
Congratulations to Dr. Lowenstein and Dr. Comba
Dr. Pedro Lowenstein and Dr. Andrea Comba for their publication being accepted in Science Advances.